Agenda Text
Requesting the appropriation of $556,906 from the Salary Contingency Salaries Account to various Police Personal Services Accounts to fund the FY2019 arbitration award for Police Superior Officers Association.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request an appropriation of $556,905 from the Salary Contingency, Salaries Account to the below listed Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund the Fiscal 2019 costs associated with an award and decision by the Joint Labor Management Committee for Municipal Police and Fire in the matter of arbitration between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Superior Officers Association.
This appropriation fully funds the Police Department Personal Services Accounts through June 30, 2019.
The appropriation is broken down as follows:
511000 - Salaries 347,962
513000 - Overtime 60,425
513001 - Training Overtime 7,155
514004 - Shift Differential 43,258
514006- Longevity 33,600
514007- Court Time 3,884
514008- Out of Grade 1,031
515004- Holidays 32,422
519007- 5/2 Buyback 3,734
519013 Other Lump Sum 23,434
My staff will be available to address any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this item.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor