Agenda Text
Supporting an application to create a state-authorized Cultural District in East Somerville.
Official Text
WHEREAS, Somerville wishes to pursue a state-authorized Cultural District through the state’s enabling legislation (MGL c10, §58A); and
WHEREAS, The East Somerville neighborhood has a mixed-use geographical area that has a concentration of cultural facilities and assets; and
WHEREAS, East Somerville Main Streets has created a broad and diverse partnership of stakeholders committed to cultural, community and economic development to provide oversight of the Cultural District; and
WHEREAS, The Massachusetts Cultural Council will be petitioned in accordance with its guidelines and criteria to designate said Cultural District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED That the Somerville City Council endorses the submission of this application and agrees to foster the development of this Cultural District; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED That the Somerville City Council endorses the state-sponsored cultural district goals: attracting artists and cultural enterprises, encouraging business and job development, establishing tourist destinations, preserving and reusing historic buildings, enhancing property values, and fostering local cultural development; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED That the Somerville City Council will appoint a city official to represent the City within the district partnership of said Cultural District; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED That the Somerville City Council encourages all who own property or businesses within said Cultural District to involve themselves and participate in the full development of the Cultural District; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED That the Somerville City Council directs city agencies to identify programs and services that could support and enhance the development of the Cultural District and ensure that those programs and services are accessible to the Cultural District.