City of Somerville header
File #: 197852    Version: 1
Type: Mayor's Request Status: Placed on File
File created: 10/2/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/9/2014 Final action: 10/13/2016
Enactment date: 10/9/2014 Enactment #: 197852
Title: Requesting an Order of Taking of real estate property at 515 Somerville Avenue to provide for the relocation of the Fire Department from its current facility in Union Square.
Code sections: Property/Land Transaction -
Attachments: 1. Public Safety Relocation Recommendations 08222014, 2. Public Safety Appraisal communication 1012014, 3. Order of Taking - 515 Somerville

  Agenda Text


Requesting an Order of Taking of real estate property at 515 Somerville Avenue to provide for the relocation of the Fire Department from its current facility in Union Square.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


I respectfully request that you approve an Order of Taking for 515 Somerville Avenue (M/B/L 52/H/38). The proposed Order of Taking and staff analyses are attached.


The City is looking to acquire 515 Somerville Avenue in order to provide for the relocation of the Somerville Fire Department from its present facility in Union Square.


As defined under M.G. L. Chapter 30B, the site at 515 Somerville Avenue meets the criteria as a unique property acquisition. OSPCD staff has done an analysis of other potential acquisition sites in conjunction with the Somerville Fire Department. The Department Chief concurs with the staff's findings on 515 Somerville Avenue property, citing proximity to Union Square, reduced wear and tear on equipment, the potential to both utilize portions of the property for training purposes and the relocation of certain equipment now stationed at 266 Broadway, thus providing a more efficient use of space at the latter location.


In addition, current operations at the nearby Lowell Street Station could potentially be consolidated to 515 Somerville Avenue. Such a consolidation and the possibility of subsequent action to declare the Lowell Avenue site as surplus and available for disposition could present an offset to the cost of this taking.

Finally, any additional off set in cost is expected to arise from the acquisition of the publicly owned portions of the Union Square D-1 Block by the City's master Development partner.


Respectfully submitted,


Joseph A. Curtatone
