Agenda Summary
Urging the creation of supplemental, hospitality, and event organizer licenses for on-site cannabis consumption.
Official Text
WHEREAS: This City Council has previously stated its desire to see the Somerville Licensing Commission host hearings to implement on-site social consumption, as described in agenda item 24-1068; and
WHEREAS: The Cannabis Control Commission recently created updated regulations for on-site social consumption license classes, specifically Supplemental, Hospitality, and Event Organizer licenses; and
WHEREAS: The Supplemental license permits existing and qualifying Marijuana Establishments to allow consumption of cannabis within the establishment or an adjourning space, including products purchased on-site; and
WHEREAS: The Hospitality license permits qualifying Consumption Licensees to allow on-site consumption in new or existing non-cannabis commercial space, either within a mixed-use space or an attached space; and
WHEREAS: The Event Organizer license permits qualifying entities to host Temporary Consumption Events, on the condition that they last no more than five days in length nor host more than 24 events per year; and
WHEREAS: Somerville has the opportunity to become the Amsterdam of New England through proactive permitting of these licenses, resulting in economic benefits to the City and local entrepreneurs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That this City Council urges the City Clerk to work with the Administration and the Somerville Licensing Commission to create social consumption licenses at its upcoming meetings based upon the Cannabis Control Commission’s latest regulations, including the Supplemental, Hospitality, and Event Organizer licensing types; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Director of Economic Development and each commissioner of the Somerville Licensing Commission.