City of Somerville header
File #: 200491    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 10/22/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/10/2015 Final action: 12/10/2020
Enactment date: 12/10/2015 Enactment #: 200491
Title: Commissioner of Public Works responding to various Board Orders submitted 10/8/15.

  Agenda Text


Commissioner of Public Works responding to various Board Orders submitted 10/8/15.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 10/08/15 Meeting


ORDER                                          8.                      Order

(ID # 12659)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the City Engineer evaluate the flooding and sewer conditions at the Ames Business Park on Properzi Way and Park Street, and provide the findings of flooding in the area.

RESOLUTION                     The Engineering Department is in the process of developing a contour map of the city of with a 1 foot interval contour accuracy. When this is available, the ability to find opportunities to increase Storm Water storage and/or subsurface drainage will be possible in house. The Map may be available within a month.


ORDER                                          9.                      Order

(ID # 12661)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works inform this Board about Eversource's pruning of trees and vegetation near power lines, and whether there will be oversight of such work by city staff.

RESOLUTION                     Eversource provides a schedule each week following the street sweep route. City staff are doing spot checks on their contractor and receiving updates from Eversource.


ORDER                                          10.                      Order

(ID # 12658)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works remove all DETOUR and related signage for projects no longer active, from various streets in Ward 2, Union Square and Concord Square.

RESOLUTION                     This work is on-going. Once completed, signs will be removed.


ORDER                                          11.                      Order

(ID # 12662)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the three (of six) bollards that have come unglued on the Lowell Street bridge sidewalk at the end of the Community Path Extension ramp.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          12.                      Order

(ID # 12665)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works cut the curb at the Warwick Street elbow by the Community Path Extension ramp (as promised as part of the Maxwell’s Green development), and provide the public a chance to comment on the proposed design.

RESOLUTION                     DPW does not cut/install curbs, only sidewalk panels.


ORDER                                          13.                      Order

(ID # 12668)                      By Ald. Niedergang, Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works report to this Board on plans to repave the Community Path between Cedar Street and Willow Avenue, and fix the damaged section near Willow Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     Please refer this request to OSPCD.


ORDER                                          14.                      Order

(ID # 12663)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works install several U-shaped bicycle parking posts at the Armory and at the small businesses on the north side of Highland Avenue between the Armory and Lowell Street.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          15.                      Order

(ID # 12664)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works install two U-shaped bicycle parking posts on the sidewalk on the south side of Highland Avenue between Porter and Conwell Streets.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          16.                      Order

(ID # 12666)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the broken lamp post on the northwest corner of Vernon Street and Glenwood Road.

RESOLUTION                     Will send lights and lines to inspect the area and remove if possible.


ORDER                                          17.                      Order

(ID # 12667)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Director of the Office of Sustainability and the Environment and the Commissioner of Public Works discuss with this Board, curbside gardens or bioswales, to reduce the amount of impervious surfaces, improve the environment, and beautify our streets.

RESOLUTION                     Please provide more information.


ORDER                                          19.                      Order

(ID # 12670)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the uneven sidewalk on Pennsylvania Avenue, between Wisconsin and Minnesota Avenues.

RESOLUTION                     Done.


ORDER                                          21.                      Order

(ID # 12672)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the City Arborist address the numerous dead and dying trees on Jasper Street and back to this Board on progress in remedying the situation.

RESOLUTION                     Will be completed by 11/13/15.


ORDER                                          27.                      Order

(ID # 12678)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That Commissioner of Public Works advise the Ward 7 Alderman about when Powderhouse Blvd. Between Burnham and Curtis Streets will be paved.



ORDER                                          33.                      Order

(ID # 12686)                      By Ald. McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk panels on Medford Street at Taylor Rental.

RESOLUTION                     Will be put onto repair list for next season.


ORDER                                          34.                      Order

(ID # 12687)                      By Ald. McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panel on Warren Avenue at Good Year.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          37.                      Order

(ID # 12690)                      By Ald. McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panels at 29 Warren Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          74.                      Order

(ID # 12693)                      By Ald. Connolly, Rossetti, Sullivan, White Jr., Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works, the Director of Capital Projects and the City Engineer meet with the Mix-It Studios Co-op at 32 Clifton Street to discuss flooding from adjacent city storm drains on September 30, 2015.

RESOLUTION                     The City met with the owners. TV camera inspections performed by the MWRA of the 24” combined sewer adjacent to the bike path indicated a collapse of the pipe has occurred severely limiting the flow through the pipe. The exact location of the collapse is being investigated by this department and the MWRA. When the exact location is determined, a temporary repair will be made. The TV inspection revealed that the condition of the pipe is extremely poor. The pipe needs to be replaced. We are in the process of developing a plan to accomplish this.


ORDER                                          75.                      Order

(ID # 12713)                      By Ald. Rossetti, Gewirtz, Heuston, Connolly

That the City Engineer report on the completion of the MWRA pipeline on Cedar Street and the resultant relief for 123 Morrison Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     The Eversource Gas Company should be completed with their work on Cedar Street between Summer and Beacon Street next Tuesday. The plan is to commence the 48” Drain Pipe installation in that location on April 1. It is recommended that the owners of 123 Morrison Street install a backflow preventer in there system as a short term repair. For the long term, the City is seeking means to increase capacity in the area.