Agenda Text
Requesting the appropriation of $2,335,038 from the Salary Contingency and Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund to various Police Department Personal Services Accounts to fund retroactive and FY17 wage provisions of the JLMC Police Employees Association.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
I hereby request the approval of your Honorable Board for an appropriation of $2,335,038 from the Salary Contingency Account Salaries ($750,000) and from the Salary and Wage Stabilization Fund ($1,585,038) to the below referenced Police Department Personal Services Accounts for the purpose of funding the retroactive and remaining FY2017 salary and wage related provisions of the recent Award and Decision of the Joint Labor Management Committee For Municipal Police And Fire, Case Number JLMC-14-4174, in the Matter of Arbitration Between the City of Somerville and the Somerville Police Employees Association.
Said appropriation of $2,335,038 is requested to be apportioned to the following Police Department Accounts:
Salaries- $528,255 (Account # 511000)
Overtime- $47,489 (Account # 513000)
Court Time- $5,993 (Account # 514007)
Holidays- $41,979 (Account # 515004)
5/2 Buyback- $1,675 (Account # 519007)
Other Lump Sum Payments- $1,709,647 (Account # 519013)
I have attached for your information a copy of the arbitration panel's decision. I have also attached a proposed Order for your consideration in this matter.
As always, my staff and I are available for any questions or concerns you may have in this case.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone