Agenda Text
McDonald's responding to #192966 re: recycling at 243 Elm St. and 14 McGrath Hwy.
Official Text
Hi John!
Here is an attachment regarding “McDonald’s Commitment to the Environment.” I hope this better explains how we too, are doing are part to take care of the environment.
Any more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Lindsay Greene
Communications Supervisor
McDonald's USA, LLC - Boston Region
690 Canton St., Suite 310
Westwood, MA 02090
p. 781.461.4767
f. 781.394.0798
John Long,
Attached is McDonalds and my commitment to the environment. In addition, we have just remodeled and upgraded efficient led lighting in our lobby and outside lighting. We also our committed to recycling corrugated by separation.
Other areas is our recent commitment to waterless urinals and recycling of waste oil. These and the many areas covered in the attachment adds up to a big commitment to the environment and continues expanding when possibly.
Thank you,
Robert King
McJob: Owner/operator
617-354-9027 Office