Agenda Text
Taking of Two East Somerville Parcels at 46 Pearl Street (105-B-1) and Zero Florence Street (105-B-31) for Parkland
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
I would like to respectfully request that the Board of Aldermen authorize the takings of two properties at 46 Pearl Street/0 Florence Streets (parcels105-B-1 and 105-B-31) for the purpose of creating a new park in the East Somerville neighborhood. A recently completed appraisal has indicated that the value of these two parcels is $300,000. They are both under the same ownership of Mahoney Construction Co., Inc. of 109 Columbia Drive, Quincy, MA.
Open space is particularly critical in the East Somerville where the two vacant lots are located. I hope that this Honorable Board will take the rare opportunity to acquire two parcels of vacant land in a neighborhood with limited open space.
Immediately following the recording of the Order of Taking, City will have environmental testing performed on the properties. If either or both of the properties are determined to need remediation, the Award of Damages stated in the Order of Taking would be revised to deduct the estimated cost of remediation. Funding for the environmental testing has already been appropriated by the BOA as part of the FY2010 Capital Budget.
Funding for this acquisition will be from the City’s CDBG budget. A separate report has been submitted to adopt a minor amendment to the 2010-2011 HUD Action Plan to authorize the use of the “Pearl and Florence Street Open Space” project for land acquisition.
OSPCD staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration.