City of Somerville header
File #: 202236    Version: 1
Type: Public Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 10/11/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/13/2016 Final action: 2/14/2017
Enactment date: 10/13/2016 Enactment #: 202236
Title: Lisandra Ayala submitting comments on the dangerous intersection at Routes 93 and 28.

  Agenda Text


Lisandra Ayala submitting comments on the dangerous intersection at Routes 93 and 28.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:

My name is Lisandra Ayala and I am a current resident in Somerville.

On Wednesday, July 27th, 2016, I was involved in a horrific car accident at the intersection of Route 28 and the 93 North off ramp, after spending 5 wonderful days with very close family and friends. Returning home after a very much needed vacation, the thought of having an accident of this magnitude was the furthest thing from my mind.

As an almost life-long Somerville resident I have always been cautious and afraid of this intersection because in my many, many years as a Somerville resident, I have seen my share of devastating accidents at this location. However, never in a million years did I ever think, I would fall victim to this location as well.

This can be a very long story but I will make it as short as possible. The woman we collided with was critically injured. She has undergone many surgeries and spent a long period of time in a Medically Induced Coma.

I suffered back, neck, body spasms and I can no longer feel my right knee, as it is completely numb.

My husband can no longer lift things with his right hand. The shoulder and damage to his right hand, do not allow him to. He is in an incredible amount of pain on a daily basis. After 2 months since the accident, neither him nor I seem to be making any progress with our health.

The purpose of this letter:  I am pleading for your help and attention to this matter.

After many communications with my vehicle insurance company, I was surprised to find out through one of the Police Reports that, there have been 76 major vehicular accidents at this intersection. There has not been anything done to make this intersection safe us motorist, who depend on our roads being safe, every-day. Despite the large history of accidents at this location there aren't any cameras either.

I plea that you as our city Mayor and Counselor, change this! I urge you as a mother and grandmother to make this location/intersection safer for our city. Consider making changes, as well as installing cameras.

Maybe you are just hearing of this location. Maybe no one has ever taken 15 minutes of their time to make you aware. But difference starts with one person, and that person can be me. If can help save the life and health of another human being, than I will do what it takes.

I sincerely thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Lisandra Ayala