Agenda Text
Official Text
The Committee on Public Health and Public Safety convened on May 24, 2010, with Chairman William White presiding and Committee Members Aldermen Rebekah Gewirtz and John Connolly also present and voting. Also present were Alderman Sean O?Donovan, Superintendent of Inspectional Services Ed Nuzzo, Health Director Paulette Renault-Caragianes, Assistant City Solicitors David Shapiro and Matt Buckley, and Michael Dwyer from the Somerville Mental Health Association (SMHA).189404 - fines for blatantly disregarding city building regulations:Chairman White spoke with Ed Nuzzo and Mr. Shapiro and asked them to contact Alderman Roche who was the author of the Order about his concerns. The Committee also discussed the item and asked that Mr. Shapiro review the City?s existing ordinances and consider changes to strengthen them, especially with regard to repeat contractor violators.Dumpster safety:Mr. Shapiro followed up with the Committee on an Order submitted by Alderman White that the City enact child proof requirements for dumpsters. Mr. Shapio told the members that the phrase ?child proof? does not appear to be a standard in the industry. He also discussed the ASTM standards related to dumpsters and reviewed what is considered safe and unsafe. The Committee asked Mr. Shapiro to further review the existing standards and survey literature in the area as well as the standards enacted by other communities.189132 - fact sheet for homeowner pulling construction permits:The members had a discussion about who is able to obtain permits relative to home improvement and Chairman White requested that a fact sheet be provided to homeowners who pull their own permits, informing them of their rights. Chairman White stated that under state law, if a homeowner pulls their own permit for contractors that perform home improvement renovations, that homeowner loses their right to collect from a state guarantee fund. Also, the City will not issue permits to unregistered contractors and Chairman White is familiar with instances where those unregistered contractors had the homeowners pull permits with disastrous results for the homeowners.189131 - regulation of asbestos removal contractors:Mr. Buckley stated that asbestos removal is regulated by the state. Chairman White would like assurances that asbestos removal contractors are licensed by the state and he suggested that the City require asbestos removers to pull permits from the City and list their state license numbers. Chairman White also asked that ordinances from neighboring communities (on this topic) be examined. Chairman White would also like to have a fine associated for violations.189246 - Somerville Mental Health Association discussion regarding State cutbacksMr. Dwyer addressed the committee and discussed the programs run by SMHA and their contracts with the city. Vinfen is not renewing its contract with SMHA and this will have a negative effect on SMHA?s operation, leading to the cessation of many programs for Somerville residents. Efforts have been made to enlist the assistance of city and state officials to get the Vinfen contract renewed. Chairman White?s motion that representatives from Vinfen and the Department of Mental Health, along with Somerville?s state delegation, meet with the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety, within the next two weeks, to discuss Vinfen?s contract with the Somerville Mental Health Association and its impact on the Somerville Community, was approved.Rodent control:Mr. Nuzzo discussed the sections of the city that have been baited and suggested that the problem seems to stem from the Somerville Avenue reconstruction project. Mr. Nuzzo also stated that the city has fired its contracted exterminator for non-performance and has re-hired a previous contractor. Alderman Heuston spoke about problems with restaurants and with residents not covering trash receptacles and offered suggestions on controlling the problem, including having inspectors look for borrow holes on property. Ms. Renault-Caragianes told the members that fruit trees, gardens and compost bins also serve as food sources for rodents. Chairman White requested a list of dumpster violations and suggested providing written information to homeowners on how to police rodents on their property. Chairman White would like to have a follow-up meeting on this subject prior to June 15th.189278 - public address systems:Mr. Buckley discussed the noise ordinance, the authorized use of loudspeakers and training of police officers in the use of decibel meters. Alderman Heuston would like churches using loudspeakers to apply for a permit to use them and Mr. Buckley replied that there might be a constitutional protection for churches. Chairman White spoke about how noise from loudspeakers can be a nuisance even if it does not exceed the legal decibel limit and he requested that the Law Department review the noise ordinances in Cambridge, Boston and Brookline.No items were acted on.