Agenda Text
That this Board amend the Rules of this Board, to establish a procedure for the joint sponsorship of items.
Official Text
That this Board of Aldermen hereby amends the Rules of this Board, to establish a procedure for the joint sponsorship of orders, resolutions, and ordinances, as follows:
“Up to a subquorum of the Board (one to no more than 5 members) may sponsor an order, resolution or ordinance and request the Clerk of Committees to email the remaining members as to whether they wish to co-sponsor that item. The names of the aldermen who originally sponsor the item may be identified in that communication from the Clerk of Committees. The remaining members may only respond to the Clerk of Committees directly as to whether they wish to co-sponsor the item, and may not notify any members of their decision. Any agendas published for the meeting at which the item will appear shall only reveal the names of the original member(s) who sponsored the item. The names of any additional co-sponsors who favorably responded to the communication from the Clerk of Committees shall only be disclosed when the City Clerk reads the item at the meeting at which the item is on the agenda. The sponsorship of an item does not commit a member of the Board to ultimately vote in favor of the item.”