Agenda Text
Parks and Recreation Director responding to #203358 and #203359 re: youths served and outreach methods used.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
In response to Agenda Item 203358
That the Director of Parks and Recreation provide the number of youths under 18 served by gender and program, for FY16 and FY17 year to date.
Please see attached documents
In response to Agenda Item 203359
That the Director of Parks and Recreation share outreach strategy and methods, by gender, for youths under 18 years of age.
The Parks & Recreation department outreach efforts to youth include:
ü Distribution or program guides and flyers to every Somerville Public Schools
ü Email blasts from the MyRec web service
ü Website posting
ü Social media posting such as Facebook & Twitter
ü Discussions school personnel and parent organizations
ü Rec Fairs
ü Distribution of promotional materials a City sponsored events
ü Program guides available at City Hall
ü Collaboration with Somerville Early Childhood Advisory Council
ü Collaboration with Pep Grant Council
ü Collaboration with Somerville Public School Administrators and office personnel
ü Immigrant engagement through the Somerville Public Schools with a bilingual Program Coordinator
ü Somerville Moms groups
ü WOMM “Word of Mouth Marketing”
Our outreach is not gender specific unless we are targeting a gender specific program such as girls or boys basketball or LAX clinics. Regardless of gender, various outreach modalities is fully explored for all youth.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Jill Lathan C.P.R.E., L.C.S.W.
Director of Parks & Recreation