Agenda Text
Requesting Appropriation of $50,000 from Receipts Reserved for Appropriation-Insurance Losses to East Somerville Community School Reconstruction for an Independent Cost Estimator for the ESCS Project
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Pursuant to 963 CMR 2.00, the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s regulations for application to their School Building Grant Program, the City will be required to verify the Maguire Group’s periodic construction costs estimates with independent cost estimates developed by the City.
I respectfully request an appropriation in the amount of $50,000 from Receipts Reserved for Appropriation -Insurance Losses (Fund 25, Org. 1073) to East Somerville Community School Reconstruction (Fund 32, Org. 1205) to hire an independent cost estimator.
The Capital Projects Management Department has been working with the Purchasing Department to develop a Request for Proposal for these services. Responses to this RFP are due Friday, June 25, 2010. After a brief period of evaluation to determine the most qualified respondent, the City will negotiate the specific fee for these services, which are estimated at $50,000.00.
Thank you for your consideration.