Agenda Text
Requesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $38,326.99 using available funds in various divisions of the Department of Public Works.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request your approval to use $38,326.99 Of DPW FY17 funds to pay FY16 invoices listed below. These invoices were not paid within the fiscal year because they were submitted to the DPW incorrectly and/or not in a timely manner.
Vendor |
Invoice Number |
Amount |
Org |
Account |
Amaral Trucking AMA010116 $2,992.50 0140452 529002
Danvers Motor 10524 $8,100.00 0140552 548006
Air Cleaning 28677 $905.22 0140752 524019
SIEMANS 5620004657 $1,141.40 0140552 524032
5610010241 $3,984.96
5610010695 $3,984.96
5610010995 $3,984.96
Honeywell 5238183078 $4,606.06 0140752 524010
5238182603 $5,670.25
5236842997 $2,150.38
Metromatic 378609 $20.09 0140752 524019
Rockler 23296195-1 $257.97 0140152 558003
Sentry Ford 223604 528.24 0140552 548006
The invoices attached.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor