Agenda Text
Proposing an updated amendment to the Rules of this Board (previously submitted as #202870), to permit the issuance of subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents.
Official Text
Below is an updated Rule I am proposing to permit this Board to issue subpoenas. Based on a recent conversation with Law Office staff, I have added the phrase "as to matters within their authority" after the word "papers" in the text. This language, while not legally required, is taken from the statute. Therefore, the proposed Rule (with the added language italicized) is:
In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 233, Sec. 8, the Board of Aldermen is hereby authorized to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and/or the production of books and papers as to matters within their authority at a hearing of the Board or any committee thereof. If any member of the Board of Aldermen wishes to have such a subpoena issued to compel the appearance of a witness and/or the production of books and papers to a meeting of the Board, or a committee thereof, the member shall move to have such a subpoena issued. Upon the approval of a majority of the members of the Board, the City Clerk shall issue such subpoena.