Agenda Text
Commending Frances Caruso on the happy occasion of her 90th birthday, and her lifetime of dedicated volunteer service to her community.
Official Text
Be it hereby known to all that the Somerville Mayor and Board of Aldermen offer their sincerest commendations to
Frances Caruso
As she celebrates her Ninetieth Birthday. Fran's commitment to community service is without peer, as she has served as a Vista Volunteer, a volunteer with East Somerville Citizens for Change, a Den Mother receiving the Corrigan Medal, and as President of Somerville United Neighborhoods. But she is beloved not just for these accomplishments, but also for her generosity of spirit, sincerity of heart, and love for all around her.
The entire Membership extends its sincerest best wishes for good health and continued success in all endeavors.
Offered this 14th day of July, 2011.