City of Somerville header
File #: 202583    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 12/7/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/8/2016 Final action: 12/8/2016
Enactment date: 12/8/2016 Enactment #: 202583
Title: Reaffirming Somerville as a Sanctuary/Trust Act City.
Sponsors: Matthew McLaughlin, Maryann M. Heuston, Mary Jo Rossetti, Mark Niedergang, Robert J. McWatters, Lance L. Davis, Katjana Ballantyne

  Agenda Text


Reaffirming Somerville as a Sanctuary/Trust Act City.



Official Text

WHEREAS:                     Somerville is a city proud of its diversity, immigrant population and being a welcoming city to people from around the world; and


WHEREAS:                     Non-citizen residents of Somerville are valuable members of the community, working, paying taxes, sending their children to public schools and being law abiding neighbors; and


WHEREAS:                     While running for President, then candidate Trump indicated that if he were elected he would stop all Federal funding for Sanctuary Cities, also known as Trust Act Cities; and


WHEREAS:                     Somerville has a strong and deep commitment to diversity and is proud of being a city that welcomes people from all around the world and is dedicated to ensuring that anyone living in Somerville, documented resident or not, can live in peace, safety and be afforded protection from physical or emotional abuse, intimidation or discrimination; NOW THEREFORE BE IT


RESOLVED:                     That the Somerville Board of Aldermen goes on record reaffirming our commitment as a Sanctuary/Trust Act City; AND BE IT FURTHER


RESOLVED:                     That the Mayor is hereby requested to send a letter to all Somerville organizations working with immigrant populations, as well as all City Departments, reminding them of our Sanctuary/Trust Act City status and what that means for working with non-citizens and what resources are available to anyone experiencing physical or emotional abuse or discrimination; AND BE IT FURTHER


RESOLVED:                     That the Somerville encourages all residents of Somerville and around the United States to treat each other with kindness and peace and to value our differences as the most diverse country on earth; AND BE IT FURTHER


RESOLVED:                     That no matter the threats made against sanctuary cities, Somerville will remain committed to our longtime policy and values and will not turn its back on the men and women from other countries who help make this city great.