City of Somerville header
File #: 189288    Version: 1
Type: Mayor's Request Status: Approved
File created: 4/16/2010 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/22/2010 Final action: 5/13/2010
Enactment date: 5/13/2010 Enactment #: 189288
Title: Approval of 2010-2011 HUD One Year Action Plan
Code sections: Grant/Gift -
Attachments: 1. 2010 2011 HUD Action Plan (staff report) 4-22-10 FINAL, 2. DRAFT Action Plan (all for website) 4-8-10

  Agenda Text


Approval of 2010-2011 HUD One Year Action Plan



Official Text


Dear Members of the Board of Aldermen,


I hereby submit for your approval the City of Somerville’s proposed One-Year Action Plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership, and Emergency Shelter Grant  (ESG) Programs.  The total budget under the City’s mandated program year 2010-2011 is estimated at $4,192,339 in new entitlement. To this amount an anticipated $712,816 in program income will be added for a total budget of new funds of $4,905,155. The City has been fortunate to receive a 7.6% increase ($220,053) in CDBG entitlement, in direct contrast with the previous steady decline that started in 2001.


Building from the priorities established in the City’s proposed Five-Year Consolidated Plan, The One-Year Action Plan describes activities the City will undertake in the areas of housing, economic & community development, parks & open space, transportation & infrastructure, historic preservation, and public services.  The CDBG, HOME and ESG grant funds provide the City of Somerville with a tremendous opportunity to undertake activities which will provide substantial benefits to our residents. The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development will administer these funds.


In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, section 53A, which requires a vote of the Board of Aldermen for the expenditure of grants or gifts from the federal government and from a charitable foundation, private corporation, or individual, or from the Commonwealth, a county or municipality or agency thereof, I request approval to expend these grant funds.


Thank you for your consideration.