Agenda Summary
Amending Section 12-8 (a) of the Code of Ordinances by inserting the words “including abutting curb cuts if applicable”.
Official Text
That Section 12-8 (a) of the Code of Ordinances be amended by inserting the words “including abutting curb cuts if applicable” as follows:
Sec. 12-8. - Snow and ice on sidewalks.
(a) No owner, occupant, tenant, or agent in charge of any land or building abutting a sidewalk in the City of Somerville shall place or suffer to remain on such sidewalk any snow and/or ice for more than six hours between sunrise and sunset on any day. All sidewalks, including abutting curb cuts if applicable, shall be cleared to the surface of the sidewalk, or, where it is impractical to do so, the sidewalk shall be treated with sand or other suitable material. Sidewalks shall be cleared to provide a minimum passage of 36 inches. The city may extend the deadlines set forth above in its discretion.