Agenda Text
Director of Water and Sewer submitting the FY22 water and sewer volumetric rate recommendation.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
Pursuant to Chapter 11, Section 11-125 and Section 11-164 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Somerville, proposed rate adjustments to water and sewer volumetric charges were submitted to the City Council for its meeting on April 8, 2021. A public hearing was held on May 3, 2021.
Recommended rate adjustments include a 7% increase to water volumetric charges and a 10.5% increase to sewer volumetric charges.
Attached please find: a memo summarizing proposed water and sewer volumetric rates for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22); slides presented to the Finance Committee on April 20, 2021; Water and Sewer Rate Study - Draft Report.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Chad A. Whiting
Director of Water & Sewer