Agenda Text
That 7 environmental items currently in the Legislative Matters Committee be discharged and assigned to another committee.
Official Text
That this Board discharge the following seven items regarding environmental issues from the Legislative Matters Committee so that they may be assigned to another committee and worked through before being returned to the Legislative Matters Committee for approval of an ordinance, if so desired:
• 203365 - native tree and plantings
• 203646 - Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance
• 203881 - Dark Sky ordinance
• 202400 - comments re: dark sky ordinance202495 - comments re: dark sky ordinance
• 204419 - comments re: Tree Advisory Committee ordinance, native species ordinance, and dark sky ordinance
• 204420 - comments re: Tree Advisory Committee ordinance, native species ordinance, and dark sky ordinance
• 204421 - comments re: Tree Advisory Committee ordinance, native species ordinance, and dark sky ordinance