Agenda Text
Leonard Tower submitting comments re: the snow removal ordinance.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I saw in the last Somerville Journal that the Board of Alderman will be reconsidering the very tight hours in the revised snow removal ordinance.
Please change the hours back to what they use to be.
I'm elderly, retired, and try hard to obey the law.
But the new hours are just not realistic for me to remove the snow in. Having gotten older, I have to take a few breaks to clear the front stoop and 80' of city sidewalk in front of my property.
It's also easier on me to do it mid-day, when it's warmer, brighter, and the air is still.
I've talked to some contractors about doing my sidewalk. None of them will guarantee to do it by the City's new deadlines. And all were quite expensive.
If the City can't change the hours back, I suggest the City buy the equipment and employ people to clear the sidewalks in the City. If public safety is so important here, it should be a priority on the increased taxes from Somerville's increasing property valuations.
I've lived in Somerville and paid taxes on my home since 1981.
Thank You,
Leonard Tower Jr.