Agenda Text
Director of Parks and Recreation responding to #208682 re: opportunities and barriers for non-binary youth and adults to participate in athletics and access public facilities.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
In response to #208682
That the Director of Parks and Recreation work with the administration and the School Department to assess opportunities and barriers non-binary youth and adults have when wanting to participate in athletics and access public facilities, such as Dilboy Pool.
Departmental Response:
Parks & Recreation has an LBTGQ liaison that works with the SPS GSA. He attends meetings and seeks inputs for our programming. Additionally, over a year ago Parks & Recreation included gender non-conforming options on registration forms and also through our website. We have a diverse work force and continue to strive for inclusive programming. Parks and Recreation is more than willing to participate in more inclusion initiatives.
Dilboy Pool is open to all regardless any particular identification, race, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, and gender non-conforming. Individuals choose their locker room based on how they identify.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Thanks. Take care.
Jill Lathan
Director of Parks & Recreation