Agenda Text
Requesting the transfer of $43,838 from the Sanitation Recycling Acct. to the School Custodians Professional & Technical Services Acct. to fund the remaining portion of the AM/PM Cleaning Corp. contract.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board of Alderman:
I respectfully request approval of a transfer in the amount of $43,838.00 from DPW Sanitation Ordinary Maintenance (Org. 0140652) Recycling (Account 529006) to School Custodians Ordinary Maintenance (Org. 0141152) Professional and Technical Services (Account 530000) to fund the remaining portion of the contract with AM-PM Cleaning Corporation. The Am-PM Cleaning Corporation contract was not finalized until after the FY11 budget was completed. The final contract price turned out to be slightly higher than the original estimates. However, as detailed on the attached spreadsheet, the contract with AM-PM Cleaning Corporation will save the City $666,494.00 in FY11 with a three year estimated savings of $2,223,835.00.
Available funds for this transfer result from the reduced cost of processing recycling commodities, specifically paper.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone