Agenda Text
Commending Evelyn Battinelli for her outstanding stewardship of the Somerville Museum for more than 25 years.
Official Text
Be it hereby known to all that the Somerville Board of
Aldermen and Mayor offer sincerest commendations to
Evelyn Battinelli
Who, as volunteer Executive Director for the last 26 years,
has elevated the standing and the vibrancy of the
Somerville Museum. Her passionate dedication and
skillful leadership have advanced this cultural institution
which is like no other, and which preserves this City’s
rich history and celebrates its local artists and artisans.
Her knowledge of the City is a tremendous resource for us all.
The Aldermen and Mayor offer their heartfelt gratitude
for continuing her wide-ranging role at the Somerville Museum.
Offered this 12th day of July, 2018.