City of Somerville header
File #: 211051    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 12/14/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/17/2020 Final action: 12/17/2020
Enactment date: 12/17/2020 Enactment #: 211051
Title: Calling on the State's House of Representatives to pass 3 transparency amendments to the House Rules for the 2021-22 legislative session.
Sponsors: Mark Niedergang, Ben Ewen-Campen, Jefferson Thomas ("J.T.") Scott, Jesse Clingan, Katjana Ballantyne, Kristen Strezo, Lance L. Davis, Mary Jo Rossetti, Matthew McLaughlin, Wilfred N. Mbah, William A. White Jr.

  Agenda Text


Calling on the State's House of Representatives to pass 3 transparency amendments to the House Rules for the 2021-22 legislative session.



Official Text

WHEREAS,                     Despite popular support from constituents, majority support from legislators, and inclusion in the Massachusetts Democratic Party platform, bills such as the Safe Communities Act, comprehensive climate crisis legislation, same-day voter registration, and progressive taxation have not passed the Massachusetts State Legislature due to their being stuck in the House of Representatives; and


WHEREAS,                     A majority of legislative bodies in other states have public committee votes, including the Massachusetts State Senate, and a lower threshold for a vote to be publicly-recorded; and


WHEREAS,                     Various public bodies, including city councils and school committees, must abide by the state Open Meeting Law, from which only the State Legislature is exempt; and


WHEREAS,                     Wealthy individuals and powerful interest groups have a disproportionate influence on legislation and the will of the people is underrepresented; and


WHEREAS,                     Legislators are incentivized and under pressure to vote according to the dictates of the Democratic Party leadership in the State House of Representatives due to career advancement and financial opportunities in the form of chair positions and higher salaries, and are retaliated against for voting contrary to the wishes of the House leadership; and


WHEREAS                     22 legislators have pledged to make their votes public, to stand for roll call of any bills they co-sponsor, and to publish the committee votes of any committee they chair, seven (7) of whom are new reps-elect, signaling a growing movement in support of transparency; and


WHEREAS,                     In all 16 districts in which it was introduced in the November 2020 election, including in the 27th Middlesex district in Somerville, the non-binding Ballot Question 4 seeking to make all State Legislature committee votes public passed with an average support of 90%; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT


RESOLVED,                      That the Somerville City Council endorses the Transparency is Power campaign organized by Act on Mass calling on state representatives to support three transparency amendments to the House Rules for the 2021 legislative session, specifically that 1) all votes held in any legislative committees are publicly disclosed, 2) bills are made public at least 72 hours prior to a final vote, and 3) the threshold for a vote to be publicly-recorded in the House of Representatives be reduced from 16 state representatives to eight (8) state representatives; AND BE IT FURTHER


RESOLVED,                     That the City Clerk forward this resolution to Rep. Christine Barber, Rep. Mike Connolly, Rep. Denise Provost and Rep.-Elect Erika Uyterhoeven, and to State Senator Patricia Jehlen.