Agenda Text
Requesting a transfer of $205,000 from the Police Department Salaries Account and $45,000 from the E-911 Salaries Account to the Fire Department Salaries Account to correct an under-funding in the FY18 budget.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request a transfer of $205,000 from the Police Department Salaries Account and a transfer of $45,000 from the E-911 Salaries Account to the Fire Department Salaries Account. The purpose of this transfer is to correct an under funding of the FY2018 Fire Department Salaries Account. The FY2018 Fire Department Salaries Account Appropriation was calculated some $250,000 short of what was required to fund all positions.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor