Agenda Text
City Solicitor conveying information re: #202154, a request of the Mayor to transfer $140,000 for outside counsel services.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen:
As requested by Alderman Lafuente at last evening’s meeting, as to Item #202154 seeking approval of a transfer of $140,000 in the Law Department from the Judgments/Settlements Account to the Legal Services Account for rendered and anticipated outside counsel services, I am attaching a spreadsheet with the figures I referred to in presenting this request.
Pursuant to President White’s comment, I shall anticipate the Board, or Finance Committee, scheduling an Executive Session to allow me to provide an update on matters in which the City is represented by outside counsel.
Thank you for your attention to the above referenced item. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Francis X. Wright, Jr.
City Solicitor