City of Somerville header
File #: 200780    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 2/22/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2016 Final action: 2/25/2016
Enactment date: 2/25/2016 Enactment #: 200780
Title: Supporting the raising or elimination of the cap on Solar Net Metering.
Sponsors: Mark Niedergang, and the Entire Board
Attachments: 1. RESOLUTION - Solar Net Metering

  Agenda Text


Supporting the raising or elimination of the cap on Solar Net Metering.



Official Text

WHEREAS:                     Global warming and climate change, caused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels, is a serious threat to current and future generations in Somerville and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and


WHEREAS:                     The Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008 set ambitious statewide greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of 10-25% below 1990 levels by 2025 and 80% by 2050; and


WHEREAS:                     The Massachusetts solar industry employs over 15,000 workers, mostly in good-paying jobs, and ranks sixth among states for solar energy generation;* and


WHEREAS:                     The Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008 established the requirement that electricity distribution companies purchase surplus solar electricity from producers at the retail rate, i.e., what consumers pay for electricity; and


WHEREAS:                     Net metering successfully encourages individual homeowners to install solar panels and municipalities to pursue solar power projects; and


WHEREAS:                     Consultants to the state’s Net Metering and Solar Task Force found that every $1 invested in solar energy in Massachusetts generates $2.20 to $2.70 in benefits; and


WHEREAS:                     Somerville has a robust and growing solar power community, and is poised to launch a Solarize program and rapidly increase residential solar installations; and


WHEREAS:                     The Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act set caps on the amount of solar energy that electricity distribution companies must buy back; and


WHEREAS:                     The current cap on net metering has been reached in more than 175 Massachusetts communities and will soon be reached in Somerville; NOW THEREFORE BE IT


RESOLVED:                     That the Somerville Board of Aldermen

                     supports raising or eliminating the cap on solar net metering,

                     supports maintaining net metering reimbursement at the retail rate, and

                     opposes allowing utilities to institute mandatory monthly charges on solar users;



RESOLVED:                     That the City Clerk forward a copy of this Resolution to Somerville’s delegation in the State Legislature and also to Senate President Rosenberg, House Speaker DeLeo, and Governor Baker.


*Massachusetts Municipal Association, January 2016