Agenda Text
Request to Appropriate and Authorize Borrowing in the Amount of $584,157 to Make Needed Repairs to the Public Safety Building
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
I hereby request, subject to the approval of your Honorable Board, an appropriation in the amount of amount of $584,157.00 for repairs to the Public Safety Building and authorization for the City Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor to borrow $584,157 to meet said appropriation
The elements of the project include:
Roof top brick restoration re-pointing: $110,657
Replacement of sally port, replacement of garage and engineering costs: $393,500
Repair and/or replace windows: $20,000
Repair and/or replace two roof areas: $60,000
The project is included in the FY2010 Capital Investment Plan. The project will be funded from General Fund Debt Service.
Respectfully submitted,