Agenda Text
Conveying the Tufts University COVID-19 Preparedness Plan: Fall 2021.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
Attached please find Tufts University’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for the Fall of 2021. Our plan complies and, in many cases, exceeds all federal, state, and local guidelines.
Major elements of the plan include mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing of students, faculty and staff, daily health screening, quarantine and isolation policies and procedures, the monitoring of early warning indicators associated with COVID-19 prevention, carefully thought-out move-in plans, and vaccine mandates. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors are required to wear masks when inside campus facilities, regardless of vaccination status, except when actively eating or drinking. All in person students, faculty, and staff are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they qualify for a religious or medical exemption under Massachusetts law. Test results will continue to be updated daily on the university’s public COVID dashboard.
I will be available to answer any questions.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rocco DiRico on behalf of Tufts University