Agenda Text
Request to Transfer $7,500 from Salary Contingency Funds to Constituent Services Personal Services to Meet a Year End Deficit.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen
I respectfully request a transfer of $7,500 from Salary Contingency (Org. 9990, Acct. 51110) to Constituent Services Personal Services (Org. 1049, Account 51000) to eliminate a year end deficit.
As a result of losing multiple Fill-in Operators and the need for replacement hires, training and overtime to cover shifts at the Public Safety building, Constituent Services accounts 51200 (Temporary Wages) and 51300 (Overtime) are expected to be in a deficit position on June 30th.
We forecast the need for an additional $7,500 to be transferred in from Salary Contingency funds. The amounts transferred will be $5,200 to Acct. 512000 Salaries and Temporary Wages and $2,300 to Acct. 51300 Overtime.
Thank you for your consideration.