Agenda Text
Requesting Approval to Proceed with CM-At-Risk Delivery Method for ESCS Renovation Project
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 149A Section 4.b.1, the City is required to receive authorization from the Board of Alderman to use the Construction Manager at Risk (CM-at-Risk) delivery method for the East Somerville Community School renovation project. The CM-at-Risk delivery method was authorized by construction reform legislation in 2004 to allow municipalities to use a qualifications based selection of a construction management firm to work with the government agencies and their architectural firms in the early stages of the design process to develop a more collaborative, cost effective and faster paced delivery of a construction or renovation project.
The Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General’s recent report on municipal CM-at-Risk projects has determined that this method has proven to be an effective alternative for certain projects, particularly in reduced change orders and early completion. The possibility of streamlining the renovation schedule for the ESCS project is a major consideration for this request.
Thank you for your consideration.