Agenda Text
DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 5/12/16.
Official Text
Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 5/12/15 Meeting
ORDER 5. Order
(ID # 14083) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works address the low hanging wires at 6 Florence Street.
RESOLUTION We will notify the appropriate utility.
ORDER 7. Order
(ID # 14085) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the grass in front of the East Somerville Library and ensure that the sprinklers are operational.
RESOLUTION We will evaluate the situation and put in place a plan to meet your request.
ORDER 8. Order
(ID # 14089) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the numerous dead trees on lower Broadway and update this Board on his progress.
RESOLUTION We will schedule the arborist to evaluate the trees. Trees found to be dead will be removed. Replanting request will be forwarded to OSPCD.
ORDER 10. Order
(ID # 14105) By Ald. Sullivan, McLaughlin, White Jr., Connolly, Rossetti
That the Commissioner of Public Works address the leaning utility pole at the East Somerville Community School on Glen Street.
RESOLUTION The City does not own utility poles. DPW will notify the proper utility/owner of the pole to inspect for potential hazard.
ORDER 11. Order
(ID # 14106) By Ald. Sullivan, Lafuente, White Jr., Connolly, Rossetti
That the Commissioner of Public Works contact DCR to repair Pole #25 on Route 28, across from the Somerville Courthouse.
ORDER 12. Order
(ID # 14107) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works maintain or replace the tree at 81 College Avenue.
RESOLUTION We will schedule the arborist to evaluate the tree and refer to OSPCD for new tree if necessary.
ORDER 13. Order
(ID # 14108) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the gap between the driveway/sidewalk and the roadway at 80 Winslow Avenue.
ORDER 14. Order
(ID # 14109) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the loose manhole cover at 30 College Avenue.