Agenda Text
Requesting an appropriation of $1,940,788 from the Receipts Reserved for Appropriation-Insurance Losses Account to the East Somerville School Renovations Account, to begin the process of reconstructing the East Somerville Community School.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I hereby request the approval of your Honorable Board for an appropriation of one million, nine hundred forty thousand, seven hundred eighty-eight dollars ($1,940,788) from Receipts Reserved for Appropriation-Insurance Losses (Fund 3203) to East Somerville School Renovations (Fund 5051). The appropriation is to be expended under the direction of the Mayor for early construction packages including selective demolition and hazardous materials abatement as well as initial design work including site investigations, surveys and a traffic study.
Please see the attached letter from Mr. Boyle, Capital Projects Manager, further describing the scope of work and budget for the project.
Thank you for your attention to this request.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone