Agenda Text
Requesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $15,931.99 from various DPW accounts using available FY21 funds.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $15,931.99 from various DPW accounts.
Sanitation Org 0140652
Big Belly Solar Inc
Invoice: 34912 6/15/20 $490
Object530000 Professional & Technical Svc
Buildings & Grounds Org 0140752
MNeves Inc
Invoice: LP-20-0003 6/1/-6/30/20 $2,400
Object 524002 R&M Rec Facil/Parks/Playgrnd
Fire Equipment
Invoice: SIN101332A 2/12/20 $2,060
Object524021 R&M Fire Alarm
Fleet Org 0140852
J.C. Madigan, Inc.
Invoice: J39310 6/20/19 $1,500
Object 524003 R&M Vehicles
Highway Org 0140552
Millennium Maintenance & Power Sweeping, Inc.
Invoice: 2538-1050 5/28/20 $1,365.88
Object 529003 Rubbish Removal
Millennium Maintenance & Power Sweeping, Inc.
Invoice: 2538-1051 6/9/20, 6/17/20, 6/18/2020, 6/25/20 $7,047.21
Object529003 Rubbish Removal
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MDOT) EZPass Pay by Plate Invoices: Various (See Attached)
FY18 EZPass $131.30
FY19 EZPass $353.00
FY20 EZPass $584.60
My staff will be available to address any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this item.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor