Agenda Text
Requesting an appropriation of $19,769,102 for the 2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
On June 4, 2015, I submitted to your Honorable Board my recommendations for an appropriation for the FY2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. My recommended FY 2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriation totaled $19,778,865.00.
I am submitting to your Honorable Board a revised FY2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriation Order that reflects the nine thousand, seven hundred sixty three dollars ($9,763.00) in reductions recommended by your Honorable Board’s Finance Committee while meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 22, 2015.
The attached Appropriation Order provides the breakdown by department of the totals for Personal Services, Ordinary Maintenance, Capital Outlay, Debt Service, and Special Items needed for the Board’s formal adoption of the FY2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. The result of these changes is to bring the Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriation for FY2016 to $19,769,102.00.
Joseph A. Curtatone