Agenda Text
DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/21/17.
Official Text
Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 11/21/17 Meeting
ORDER 14. Order
(ID # 17358) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works address the leaning electrical poles on Glen Street near the East Somerville Community School.
RESOLUTION Eversource has been notified on several occasions with our concerns but has taken no action. We will notify them again.
ORDER 15. Order
(ID # 17359) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the uneven sidewalk at 6 Dell Street.
RESOLUTION This will be completed by the end of next week.
ORDER 16. Order
(ID # 17360) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree at 14 Rush Street.
RESOLUTION This will be completed this week.
ORDER 17. Order
(ID # 17361) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the missing ground lights at the East Branch Library.
RESOLUTION The necessary replacements have been ordered and should arrive by 12/1. Installation will be scheduled for week of 12/4 on a priority basis.
ORDER 21. Order
(ID # 17365) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works and the ADA Coordinator address the uneven sidewalk at 223-225 Pearl Street.
RESOLUTION This will be completed by the end of next week.