Agenda Text
George O'Shea submitting comments re: George Dilboy Post 529, 371 Summer St., operating a commercial parking lot without a permit.
Official Text
September 16, 2011
Mr. John Long, Clerk
City of Somerville
Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143
Dear John,
Per my public records request dated July 27 seeking a copy of the commercial parking lot license for 351 Summer Street for the VFW George Dilboy Post 529, the response provided indicates that no such license exists.
I request an agenda item bo added to the next Board of Aldmen meeting on September 22.
“That this board asks the George Dilboy Post 529 located at 371 Summer Street Somerville 02144 appear before this Board and explain why they are operating a Commercial Parking Lot at 351 Summer Street without the required City Permits”
Can you inform me if this request will be added to the September 22 meeting.
George O’Shea
36 Hawthorne Street
MA 02144
617 623-8454