Agenda Text
Requesting the transfer of $100,000 in the Sewer Dept. from the Capital Improvements Acct. to the Professional and Technical Services Acct. to create a hydraulic model for existing flooding problems.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board
I respectfully request that Your Honorable Board approve the transfer of $100,000 Department of Public Works Sewer Department from 640058-580010 Capital Improvements to 640052-530000 Professional and Technical Services.
As you know, the City of Somerville continues to experience flooding problems directly associated with the age and capacity of our combined sewer system. While projects like the Somerville Avenue Improvements Project and the planned East Broadway Improvements Project provide the City with an increase in overall capacity, there are still areas of the City that continue to experience problems - even during minor rain events.
The goal of this work is to create a hydraulic model for the City that provides insight into problem areas and gives us the opportunity to select cost effective solutions to reduce flooding concerns. The Consultant will provide the City with a summary report including recommended configurations, locations, selected technologies and planning level cost estimates for each proposed improvement.
This base hydraulic model will also provide the City with a beneficial tool to be used for future planning efforts. By identifying short and long term projects, the City will be able to capitalize on any grant and/or low interest loan programs that become available at the state and federal level. Lastly, this hydraulic model will also give the City the ability to explore options beyond our City limits for a new stormwater outfall. This option would provide us with an opportunity to continue separating our wastewater and stormwater, increase overall capacity in the system and ultimately reduce our reliance on existing connections with the MWRA.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone