Agenda Text
Requesting acceptance of the fee interest in Parcel 34B, including portions of Great River Road, Assembly Row, Canal Street, and Foley Street, and all of Artisan Way.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request that the Board vote to accept from Street Retail, Inc. the fee interest in the parcel of land shown as Parcel 34B on the attached subdivision plan, comprising a portion of Great River Road, Artisan Way, a portion of Assembly Row, a portion of Canal Street, and a portion of Foley Street in the Assembly Row Development. A draft deed, and the Subdivision Plan of Land dated July 31, 2014 (5 sheets) showing the portions of the streets to be conveyed are attached.
Members of my staff will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding this item.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor