Agenda Text
That the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management, the Chief Fire Engineer, the Chief of Police and other necessary departments advise this Council of the impacts of any further development along Alewife Brook Parkway on the Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipeline running along Alewife Brook.
Official Text
That the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management, the Chief Fire Engineer, the Chief of Police and other necessary city departments discuss and advise this Council of the impacts that any further development along Alewife Brook Parkway would have on the Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipeline running along Alewife Brook in addition to the following questions.
(1) When installed
(2) What is the pressure
(3) What is the diameter of the pipeline
(4) What is the maintenance plan
(5) Does a maintenance plan trigger requiring Algonquin to notify the city
(6) Which city staff is Algonquin required to contact
(7) What kind of work triggers requiring Algonquin to contact the city
(8) Was there expansion to the pipe? If yes, when?
(9) What impact would a development along Alewife Brook Pkwy have on this pipeline