Agenda Text
Director of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders submitted 7/14/16.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Agenda Item 201798
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a SLOW - CHILDREN CROSSING or CAUTION - CHILDREN AT PLAY sign on Central Street south of Forster Street, on the east side of the street. (2nd request)
A Caution Children sign has been installed at this location.
Agenda Item 201807
That the Director of Traffic and Parking survey locations associated with a Mobile Food Vendor license for Clover Fast Food in Davis Square (#201587), and report the findings to the Committee on Licenses and Permits.
Traffic and Parking, Economic Development, Health Department and Fire Department are collaborating on all potential food truck locations, in collaboration with the Board.
Agenda Item 201829
That the Director of Traffic and Parking explain the reason for the NO PARKING - DRIVEWAY sign at the West Branch Police sub-station.
The No Parking - Driveway sign at this location is for the driveway located there as a result of complaints of vehicles blocking the driveway.
Agenda Item 201838
That the Director of Traffic and Parking repaint the crosswalks in Davis Square, with priority to those that were recently converted from brick to asphalt.
The DPW pavement resurfacing contractor is responsible for the repainting of these above mentioned crosswalks
Please contact me with any questions.
Suzanne Rinfret
Director of Traffic and Parking