Agenda Text
Viesia Novosielski submitting comments re: #200102, a proposed inclusionary housing ordinance.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I was born in Somerville in 1978, and have lived predominately here, in Winter Hill, Spring Hill, and now East Somerville. Previously, when I was living at 136 Highland Ave, (one of the properties that the Swedish developer just bought) I experienced housing insecurity and was nearly priced out. After the building I had been living in for more than 5 years was sold a few years ago. The new landlord tried to raise my rent beyond my means and what section 8 would pay or allow me to pay as a disabled artist and writer. He unsuccessfully tried to intimidate me and wouldn't make repairs, I had a kitchen sink that wouldn't turn off for nearly a year. I was lucky to win an affordable inclusionary housing lottery last fall. I am glad to be able to participate in Somerville Open Studios this year. So please do what you can to make more people able to stay in Somerville.
Viesia Novosielski