Agenda Text
Requesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $1,000,000.00 in a bond for the Union Square Streetscape & Plaza Design.
Official Text
To the Honorable Council:
I hereby request, subject to the approval of your Honorable Council, an appropriation in the amount of $1,000,000.00 in order to fund design services for the Union Square Streetscape & Plaza Improvements project, which is included in the City's critical category in the Capital Investment Plan (CIP). The appropriation and borrowing authorizations cover the costs of Union Square Streetscape and Plaza design of elements and related improvements, consisting of traffic signals and streetlamps, crosswalks, curbing, accessible curb cuts, sidewalks, street trees, roadway pavement and markings including bike lanes, landscaped urban plaza, street furnishings, water, electrical, and sewer connections . To meet said appropriation, the Treasurer will be authorized to borrow $1,000,000 as provided by MGL Chapter 44.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor