Agenda Text
Ellin Reisner submitting comments re: the proposed zoning ordinance.
Official Text
Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen:
I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed new zoning ordinance. I have not read the full zoning document, but have reviewed some of it and spoken with other individuals about the document. I am writing to express my concerns. I think that the proposed changes offer some beneficial changes for the city, its residents and businesses, but I believe it is premature to enact the changes without addressing some confusing language, potential problems and the fact that the changes are not consistent with Somervision. I particularly want to support the comments submitted to you by Representative Denise Provost who has pointed out a number of problems with the document with which I fully agree.
Having been involved in the development of Somervision I am particularly concerned that the new ordinance does not really protect existing neighborhoods that have been identified as not being subject to significant development changes. I fully support dense commercial and residential development in the identified transformative districts however, the proposed zoning does not protect existing neighborhoods or provide a reliable approach to ensure implementation of SomerVision’s goal of expanding open space by 125 acres in the city. Enabling increased density without addressing the city’s desperate need for more open space is not acceptable if we want to have a good quality of life in the city for all residents.
Having attended many Planning Board meetings I believe resolution of confusing language in the new zoning document should be accomplished before approving any changes as this will only complicate the process of seeking approvals for residential renovation and development plans. The goal of changing zoning is to bring it up date regarding land use planning and I appreciate that revised zoning should do that. My concern is that the document as it exists still needs fine tuning and clarification about neighborhood preservation.
Ellin Reisner