Agenda Text
Traffic and Parking Director submitting responses to various Board Orders submitted 10/22/15.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Agenda Item 200140
That the Chief of Police, the Chief Fire Engineer and the Director of Traffic and Parking consider a "Don't Block the Box" program at key intersections that impede the flow of traffic and present a public safety hazard, and report back to this Board in writing within 30 days.
Traffic and Parking will coordinate with the above referenced Departments relative to proposed intersections for Do Not Block the Box pavement markings.
Agenda Item 200146
That the Director of Traffic and Parking, the Chief of Police and the Director of SPCD review the traffic problems in East Somerville and develop a traffic improvement plan.
The traffic signals at the intersection of Mt. Vernon/Broadway and Lombardi Way have had a new traffic controller and other associated equipment installed at this intersection by MassDOT. Currently there is a 90 day evaluation period of the effectiveness of this new equipment. At the end of this evaluation period remedial action will be implemented by MassDOT if necessary. These actions should improve the flow of traffic through this intersection.
Agenda Item 200181
That the Director of Traffic and Parking communicate to MA DOT the need for painted lanes and signs to slow traffic along I-93 and Mystic Avenue along the underpass by Stop and Shop.
Traffic and Parking will communicate the above concerns to MassDOT.
Please contact me with any questions.
Suzanne Rinfret
Director of Traffic and Parking