Agenda Text
Assistant City Solicitor responding to #203482 re: 32 Webster Avenue.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
I write in response to the above referenced agenda item requesting a written summary of actions taken and plans to address the blighted property at 32 Webster Avenue. The below reflects a timeline, prepared in collaboration with ISD.
4/26/17: Joint inspection with ISD Building and Health. Violation notice sent for failure to maintain.
4/27/17: Property referred to the Attorney General’s Office of Abandoned Housing Initiative.
5/3/17: Joint inspection with ISD Building and Health along with the Attorney General’s Abandoned Housing Initiative. AG’s office sends out demand letter to owners.
5/6/17: ISD receives application for Demolition Permit.
5/7/17- Partial owner of the property contacts AG’s office and ISD that owners
5/8/17: are planning to demolish the structure in September.
5/15/17: ISD requests the partial owner to board and secure the property in the meantime.
5/16/17: Partial owner commits to addressing concerns and demolishing the structure as soon as possible.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
David P. Shapiro
Assistant City Solicitor