Agenda Text
Rachel Turek submitting comments re: #204323, a proposal for Powderhouse Blvd. safe bicycling.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
We have now been with the new paint along Powderhouse for several weeks, and I wanted to follow up to reiterate my support of the protected lanes on Powderhouse. This school year, I ride with my two older children from our house, south on North St, and east on Powderhouse to get them to school at WSNS (1st & PK). We are still forced to take the sidewalk and ride in between lots of young children and families walking along North St and Powderhouse because the paint alone is not enough to keep my 5 and 7 year olds safe. Daily I watch as cars ride through the painted lanes as though they didn't exist. They also don't seem to be doing much to reduce speeds outside of where the school traffic and bumps are already slowing vehicles. I continue on Powderhouse to the rotary to get to work, and I am close-passed by cars going far too fast near daily.
I strongly urge the city council, mayor, and transportation department to advance work on making this a safe biking route for everyone, including families and young children, so that all neighborhood residents and road users can do so safely.
I also wanted to note my support of the new 4-way stop at Curtis. It has made crossing Powderhouse (across Curtis) on bike a lot safer, reduced the time cars spend idling, and eliminated the motivation to speed up to try and make a changing light. I think this is a tremendous improvement, and I thank you.
Please feel free to contact me if there is anything else I can do regarding this project.
Many thanks,
Rachel Thuerk, mom to Leopold (7), Theodor, (5), and Annegret (2), bike fans all