Agenda Text
City Clerk responding to #189733 and #189734 re: automatic amusement device licenses.
Official Text
To: Board of Aldermen
From: John J. Long
Date: June 23, 2010
Re: #189733 and #189734, Automatic Amusement Devices
This is pursuant to two Orders, #189733 and #189734, approved by the BOA last June 10.
With regard to #189733, asking about the number of automatic amusement devices currently at the Holiday Inn, please be advised that the Holiday Inn is currently licensed for no automatic amusement devices. Their current application, #189359, for one device, if approved, will permit their only automatic amusement device.
With regard to #189734, asking that the City Clerk provide information on current automatic amusement device licensure whenever a new application is submitted, I will be happy to comply.
Finally, for your information, there is only one establishment in Somerville that is licensed for automatic amusement devices: the Rosebud restaurant, 381 Summer Street, which is licensed for 3 devices.
Please contact me if you require further information.